Oxford Properties are currently in the process of securing all the necessary approvals for the Development at Borrowdale Park, including the subdivision permit and layout plan as required by the Regional Town and Country Planning Act. Members of the...
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Oxford Properties are currently in the process of securing all the necessary approvals for the Development at Borrowdale Park, including the subdivision permit...

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Borrowdale Park

Borrowdale Park
Borrowdale Park
Borrowdale Park

Expression Of Interest

Borrowdale , Harare North , Harare
Stand for Sale
Oxford Properties are currently in the process of securing all the necessary approvals for the Development at Borrowdale Park, including the subdivision permit and layout...
400m2 Pmt Terms

Site Map

Borrowdale Park

Oxford Properties are currently in the process of securing all the necessary approvals for the Development at Borrowdale Park, including the subdivision permit and layout plan as required by the Regional Town and Country Planning Act. Members of the public interested in securing a stand within the Development may register their early interest via submitting an Offer to Purchase, the T& C’s of which can be obtained from the site office. The current stand sizes and “Offer to Purchase” prices (which are subject to change) are:Up to 2 years terms offered on stands between 400 – 709sqm, Starting from USD USD48000 Currently less than 200 stands are available for early “Offers to Purchase”.

About Oxford Properties

Oxprop is dedicated to being the trusted leader in property development, committed to creating vibrant communities for future generations of Zimbabweans. Our focus goes beyond mere construction; we aim to foster environments where people can thrive, connect, and build lasting relationships. We believe in building more than just structures; we create spaces that prioritize safety, quality, and community. Guided by integrity and transparency, our mission is to deliver innovative living solutions that provide economic opportunities for all stakeholders involved. Through our projects, we strive to enhance the lives of individuals and contribute positively to society.